People seek out or may be referred for psychological evaluations for many reasons including immigration proceedings, clarification of diagnosis, or to address challenges in a pending legal case.
All psychological evaluations typically include a detailed conversation about a person's history, psychological tests, review of any important records, and completion of a thorough report. In some circumstances, a brief discussion with the attorney of record may be indicated. From start to finish an evaluation process may take 6 to 8 hours to complete depending on the complexity of the evaluation, with more complex cases taking up to 20 hours. A comprehensive report will be issued approximately 2 weeks after all the components of the evaluation are completed. Dr. Guardado-Soto will work collaboratively with the client's attorney and the client’s identified support system in order to provide the best service possible.
Immigration Evaluations
The following types of immigration evaluations are offered at Guardado Psychological Services:
Provisional Waivers
Cancellation of Removal
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
U Visa
Asylum/Convention Against Torture (CAT)
Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions (N-648)
Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations
Comprehensive psychological evaluations are sought out for a variety of reasons including to better understand individual challenges and/or strengths, understand how trauma has impacted psychological health, refine diagnosis to guide treatment, and provide information about one's functioning. Psychological evaluations are strength based and client centered.
Emotional support animal evaluations are focused on assessing the psychological challenges that individuals face and how their animal assists their coping. This detailed evaluation will assess for symptoms, coping strategies, capability to care for the pet appropriately, and provide recommendations. An evaluation report and a letter summarizing the findings will be issued.
Consultation services includes a one-to-one consult with Dr. Guardado-Soto to discuss client centered general psychological challenges, the impact that trauma experiences may have had on a specific client, or how symptoms are presenting in a client’s current daily functioning. Additionally, Dr. Guardado-Soto is available to provide a thorough review of records without face-to-face time if need be.